Category Archive: Giving in General

“Nones” Rising

American’s with no religious affiliation rises. No doubt the blame lies with the church community. It’s is not a church member or non-church member issue. This is a community and American issue.

The Fight for Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy transcends politics…though it does inform us. Great review of the debate over Bad Religion by Ross Douthat.

Francis Chan talks about how the world could be impacted if Christians gave in light of Jesus’ teachings

The Grace of Giving in Video

Thanks to my friends at for sharing. Go JOIN the Movement!  It may have started in the US, but it is growing globally.  God give us more Bishop Hanningtons.  Are you a… Continue reading


This week I have been reading John Piper’s new book, Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God.  I commend it to everyone who desires a clarity of the role… Continue reading

Encouragement for Board Members and Fundraisers of All Stripes

Though The Catalyst Philanthropic Initiative is primarily focused on encouraging and supporting the Sacred Act of Giving most who take the time to read sit on Boards, Operate Foundations or have projects they… Continue reading

Mastering the Art of Living Meaningfully Well – Umair Haque – Harvard Business Review

Mastering the Art of Living Meaningfully Well – Umair Haque – Harvard Business Review. Another very thoughtful post at HBR from Umar Haque. I hope to meet this thoughtful man soon. If you… Continue reading

Three Things That Matter Most

I see three things that deeply matter… Faith, Hope and Love. Faith that life matters and there is something, or Someone, larger at work in life.    Hope that there are better things ahead…and… Continue reading

Beautiful TED Presentation by Yale Scientist. A Must Watch

I Stand by the Door

I stand by the door. I neither go too far in, nor stay too far out, The door is the most important door in the world- It is the door through which people… Continue reading